Source: Context: Translation by: iOS 17.4 Translate app Thank you, Margrethe, and hello everyone. Before outlining the actions we are taking today, let me make one important point. The DMA has been applicable since March 7. This means that it has been truly effective for exactly 18 days. And I will tell you one simple but important thing: in 18 days, the DMA has moved the lines of the digital giants more than in the last 10 years. It's not me who says this, but the developers and users who finally see concrete changes and openness to give everyone the opportunity to gain market share, for example for browsers. In 18 days, very concrete results have already been achieved. For what? Because it is internal market regulation. This is where the revolution operates. You know how much I fought for the DMA to be a so-called “internal market” regulation, therefore ex ante. Because it is the best way to promote our continent, Europe, which is an open continent, but on our conditions. And a market of 450 million customers is simply unthinkable for anyone not to be there. Where the digital giants could pay fines of several billion dollars without batting an eye — incidentally, when they had to pay them, after long years of procedures, which did not turn out to be systematic, far from it. in need… — today none of them can afford not to be on our market. This is the reality of the balance of power in the world in which we operate. So does everyone play the game perfectly the first time? We have the right to doubt it of course and we are here to doubt by definition in a way, I would say. At the very least, to check. And that's what we're doing today. If you allow me, I will extend my remarks in English.