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December 2007 Archives

December 4, 2007


If you build websites for a living, you know that content organization and approval can be an overwhelming process. We've all tried flowcharts, wireframes, HTML mocks... even paper. All of these suffer from crucial flaws. They're not interactive, and they carry no momentum into the build phase.

With Jumpchart, you can invite everyone involved in your project to collaborate on organizing the content.

The best part of Jumpchart is that once you're done planning, you can export clean CSS and XHTML to start building with. No more lost documents, no more documents without momentum... It's all in Jumpchart.

December 11, 2007

FlickrExport by Connected Flow

The FlickrExport plugins for iPhoto and Aperture extend your desktop workflow to Flickr. FlickrExport will take your image edits, titles, captions and keywords and preserve that work when you export your pictures to Flickr. FlickrExport can also create photosets for you and place your pictures in a Flickr group.

For the week of December 10-17, Connected Flow is offering Daring Fireball readers a 50% discount on any purchase with the coupon code "DARINGFIREBALL".

December 17, 2007


BusySync lets you share iCal calendars with family or coworkers without the need for a dedicated server. Shared calendars can be viewed and edited by multiple users, and changes are instantly synchronized across the network. Shared calendars can be edited while offline and are automatically synchronized when reconnected to the network.

Daring Fireball readers can save 20 percent on BusySync through Dec. 31, 2007 by using coupon code DARINGFIREBALL.

About December 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in December 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2007 is the previous archive.

January 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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