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May 2009 Archives

May 4, 2009


Jumsoft's product line includes applications for accounting, CRM, project management, and business instruments, as well as themes, templates and add-ons for Keynote, Apple Mail, and Pages.

Daring Fireball readers can save 20 percent off any and all Jumsoft products, using coupon code “DARINGFIREBALL”.

May 11, 2009


Shopping lists for your iPhone and iPod touch. Get the new version 2.0 today for only 99¢!

May 18, 2009

Delicious Library

Delicious Library 2: Scan all your DVDs, books, CDs, video games, software, board games, tools, electronics, cameras, jewelry, shoes, and clothes. Then publish ’em to the web. Or loan ’em to friends and not forget you did. Or print out a list for insurance. Or play 'movie roulette.' Or sell ’em on Amazon with three clicks. Or get recommendations. Or show ’em off to your OCD friends. Or check ’em on your iPhone when you're at the store and forgot what you own. Or...

May 26, 2009


Evom makes grabbing and converting videos a breeze. Do you want to convert those pesky AVIs or WMVs into a useful format? Had an urge to watch LOLcats on your iPod touch? Evom converts videos for breakfast and does it with Apple style and the ease of drag-and-drop. Put your videos where they belong -- your iPod, iTunes, or Apple TV.

About May 2009

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in May 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2009 is the previous archive.

June 2009 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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