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December 2009 Archives

December 1, 2009

VMware Fusion 3

VMware Fusion 3 makes it easier than ever to run Windows applications just like Mac applications... without rebooting.

Combine a Mac native user experience with an all new 64-bit native engine designed to deliver peak performance running on Mac OS X Leopard or Snow Leopard. VMware Fusion 3 is the best way to run Windows 7 or over 140 different x86 operating systems -- from DOS to Google Chrome OS -- without rebooting.

Buy VMware Fusion 3 today for $79.99 or upgrade from VMware Fusion 1.x/2.x for only $39.99 at http://www.vmware.com/fusion.

December 7, 2009

VMware Fusion 3

VMware Fusion 3 makes it easier than ever to run Windows applications just like Mac applications... without rebooting.

Combine a Mac native user experience with an all new 64-bit native engine designed to deliver peak performance running on Mac OS X Leopard or Snow Leopard. VMware Fusion 3 is the best way to run Windows 7 or over 140 different x86 operating systems -- from DOS to Google Chrome OS -- without rebooting.

Buy VMware Fusion 3 today for $79.99 or upgrade from VMware Fusion 1.x/2.x for only $39.99 at http://www.vmware.com/fusion.

December 14, 2009

Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea

Nothing beats a Damn Fine Tea! Andrews & Dunham know this, so they're always on the lookout for that perfect cup. Only a few teas meet their mysterious, rigorous standards and they're proud to offer them to you in limited quantities, one edition at a time. You won't find a huge assortment on their site -- just a few of their favorites which they hope you'll love as much as they do!

December 21, 2009


RipIt is the ultimate Mac DVD ripper. To celebrate winning a coveted Macworld Editors' Choice Award for 2009, we are offering Daring Fireball readers the opportunity to purchase the application for 25% off with the code DARINGFIRE2009.

December 28, 2009


Edovia and Sebastiaan de With offer you Warships, a new twist to the classic battleships game. Stunning graphics, easy gameplay, no superficial mumbo jumbo. Play against three levels of AI or against your friends directly between two iPhones or iPod touches. Available on the App Store for a limited time for only 99ยข.

About December 2009

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in December 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2009 is the previous archive.

January 2010 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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