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April 2010 Archives

April 5, 2010

Doxie: ‘The Amazing Scanner for Documents’

Document scanners are frustrating and poorly designed. Doxie, on the other hand, is amazingly portable, USB powered, and comes with elegant software that scans paper directly to the Mac and web apps you already use (like Google Docs, Evernote, Acrobat, and Flickr). Very nice.

Place a pre-order today and get it on April 19th. It’s love at first scan.

April 12, 2010


Climate is the new best-in-class weather app for iPhone that offers at-a-glance access to current time and forecast with soft natural soundscapes and brilliant, photorealistic scenery in tune to the season.

Run Climate propped up on your desk throughout the day and enjoy a subtly animated mountain landscape that updates in real-time with WeatherBug-powered local conditions, accurate solar and lunar positions, and a charming houseplant that quietly grows and blossoms over time.

Climate lets you choose from two gorgeously illustrated themes -- windowsill and minimal -- in both portrait and dock-friendly landscape modes, and you can run your own iPod playlists in the background while you work.

April 19, 2010

Paratroopers: Air Assault From Software Factory, LLC

We are proud to announce Paratroopers: Air Assault for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. ~40% OFF This Week Only!

A worthy mission:

Your base is being invaded and you must defend it. Enemies are jumping from rival aircrafts with the sole purpose of destroying you! As the first, last, and only line of defense you must stop the paratroopers by blowing them out on the sky.

A game with an amazing replay value, you will get hours of fun and entertainment


  • Beautifully designed game art.
  • Immersive sound effects. Designed for headphones.
  • Weapon upgrade system.
  • Lots of achievements to unlock.
  • Connect to millions of users.

PS: iPad version will be available shortly as an universal application update. Buy it now, and receive this amazing update free.

April 26, 2010


We’re proud of our bestselling notes app for iPad. Penultimate is stylish, powerful, and easy to use. It encourages you to take notes, keep sketches, or work through your next breakthrough idea. Looks and feels like you’re writing with a beautiful gel pen, on photorealistic paper. Organize your ideas into infinite notebooks. Currently on sale for early adopters; cheaper than just one of your favorite physical notebooks! Upcoming updates will add even more. App store link.

No iPad yet? Try our great writing technology in our little-brother iPhone/iPod app, Handwriting, for quick notes and doodles.

About April 2010

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in April 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2010 is the previous archive.

May 2010 is the next archive.

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