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June 2011 Archives

June 6, 2011

Pixelmator 2.0 Sneak Preview

Pixelmator is the beautifully designed, easy-to-use, fast and powerful image editing app for Mac OS X that has everything you need to create, edit and enhance your images. With tons of new features and improvements, the next generation of Pixelmator—codenamed Chameleon—is clearly the best Pixelmator ever built. Even more, Pixelmator 2 will be available later this summer via the Mac App Store as a free upgrade for everyone who purchased any version of Pixelmator via the Mac App Store.

June 14, 2011


iStockphoto is the web’s leading source of royalty-free stock photography. Think exquisite imagery without extravagant pricing, and the best search in the business so you get exactly what you need when you need it.

Now iStock’s best selling collection -- The Vetta™ Collection -- includes photo, video and illustration. Files in the Vetta Collection stand out for their incredible art direction, intelligently executed concepts and rarity. Simply put, they are kick-ass.

Check out the Vetta Collection for yourself.

June 20, 2011

The AppStorm Freelance Mac App Bundle

Bringing you over $330 of apps and resources, the AppStorm Freelance Mac App Bundle features a fantastic package of software for freelancers. We’re including Billings, WriteRoom, TextExpander, 1Password, LittleSnapper, Arq, Radium, and Alarms -- all for just $49!

You’ll also receive a series of helpful resources, including the Rockstar Freelancer eBook, a WordPress theme, business card template, and web-based client management application.

This is a fantastic deal for freelancers and Mac users everywhere, but it’s only available for 10 days. Visit the site to find out more and grab your free copy of Smashing Magazine’s “Successful Freelancing” eBook!

June 27, 2011

Billings Pro 1.5 with Marketcircle Cloud

Billings Pro is a multi-user time tracking and invoicing solution for the Mac and iPhone, that includes a Web app for timekeepers.

With Marketcircle Cloud you get the Mac and iPhone experience with the convenience of the Web. Let us worry about all the setup, hosting, and backup of your data, while you focus on your business.

We host it, you access it -- from anywhere, anytime.

About June 2011

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in June 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2011 is the previous archive.

July 2011 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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