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October 2012 Archives

October 1, 2012

The Squarespace Developer Platform

The Squarespace Developer Platform beta is open, providing developers with full code control, a beautiful client interface, and world-class hosting. Forget about servers and focus on your code. Use the desktop tools you know and love. Connect via Git and SFTP. Hand off customer service to Squarespace’s award-winning support team. The platform offers a free sandbox until you're ready to publish. Click here to learn more.

October 8, 2012


If you think all Objective-C IDEs are the same, you've got another think coming.

Imagine a tool you can rely on that doesn’t crash, completes and generates code for you, and generally makes you feel like you're pair-programming. 
Now, add to this a full set of safe and accurate refactorings, thorough inspections and quick-fixes that help you detect and eliminate potential problems. Spice everything up with unit testing support, automatic editing history, integration with various VCS and issue trackers, and, naturally, full Xcode interoperability.

Does that sound like a dream OS X/iOS development tool?

We made it true.

October 15, 2012


How much time are you spending on a project? Creative freelancers and agencies around the world rely on Harvest to track billable time. Work from anywhere by starting a timer effortlessly from your web browser, Mac desktop, or iPhone. Keep your clients happy with visual time reports designed to help you get projects done on time and within budget. Wrap up and get paid for your valuable work with a professional invoice. Try Harvest free for 30 days. If you don't fall in love, simply let the trial expire.

October 22, 2012


Echograph is an app for iPad and iPhone that allows you to create photos containing splashes of video. By grabbing a photographic still frame from a video clip, Echograph allows you to selectively paint animation into the photo with a video brush. The final result is an infinitely looping image that is output as a hi-res MP4, or shared to Facebook and Twitter. Released for the iPhone and iPod touch on October 11, Echograph is now enhanced for iPhone 5.

About October 2012

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in October 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2012 is the previous archive.

November 2012 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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