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April 2013 Archives

April 1, 2013

Core Data — Secure Incremental Store for iOS and OS X

Finally there is a safe harbor for your app's application data. Switch your Core Data-based app to our Secure Incremental Store (SIS) and get a SQLite-SEE transparent AES-encrypted database backend. Only a few lines of code are necessary to make the change. You can download and test it for yourself. Use DARING20 as a hint to our sales team to get a 20 percent discount on our licenses.

April 8, 2013

Pixate: CSS Styling, Animation, and Bootstrap for Native Mobile Apps

For designers and developers, styling beautiful native mobile apps is a massive undertaking -- but what if styling apps were as easy as styling websites? Pixate does just that. It fundamentally changes how you approach native interfaces. Pixate Engine 1.1 includes styling, keyframe animation, transitions, and even Twitter Bootstrap. No web views here -- this is a 100% native solution that you can use on iOS today and on Android soon (pre-orders start today). Purchase Pixate for iOS now and you get the 1.1 beta immediately, Android beta soon, and free Android license when it ships later this year. Use DARING10 coupon for 10% off.

April 15, 2013

Windows Azure Mobile Services

Mobile Services is a quick and easy way to store your iOS app's data in the cloud, authenticate users via Twitter or Facebook, and send push notifications in minutes. Seriously. Sending a push notification is as simple as uploading your developer certificate, typing `push.apns.send, and then specifying the payload. Configuring Facebook auth only requires copying over your App ID and Secret. Creating a scalable SQL database for your data takes two clicks and selecting a name. Follow the link to watch Brent Simmons walk you through lighting up an iOS app with Mobile Services and claim your 10 free Mobile Services today.

April 22, 2013

Macminicolo Forever Promo

Mac minis make great servers and we'd like you to try one in a high end data center. The Forever Promo has a low rate, no contract, and inexpensive rental options. If you need more reasons, here are 50 ways to use your server.

About April 2013

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in April 2013. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2013 is the previous archive.

May 2013 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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