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June 2013 Archives

June 7, 2013

Robots & Pencils

We make iOS apps. We made [Spy vs. Spy] and Primeval DFX (Hollywood style CGI dinosaurs, inserted into your own videos) last year.

Everything we do starts by blending the sciences with the humanities -- the robots with the pencils -- the programmers with the designers.

We think of ourselves as a 'goldilocks' company -- Just The Right Size. We're big enough to handle multimillion dollar projects and small enough to maintain a commitment to being positively good at everything we do.

Hire us, and we can make an app for you.

June 10, 2013


It's never been more important to make a great impression online.

Squarespace puts world-class design in your hands and provides everything you need to create your own website in minutes. Squarespace websites are different. They’re designed to be simple, modern, and to look great on every device. With Squarespace, your personality, products, or content are always the focus.

Try Squarespace today for free at squarespace.com.

June 19, 2013

Adobe Kuler

Find something beautiful. Point your phone at it. A color palette appears... in Illustrator, on your desktop. And on the web. And shared with your friends. And on all your other devices.

We're really proud of Kuler, the new app for iOS designed for capturing, sharing, and finding inspiring color themes. It's always connected to the Creative Cloud, and it's free. Get it now from Adobe.

June 24, 2013


Collaborate is the simple collaboration platform for iPhone. Easy-to-use and surprisingly powerful, Collaborate is exactly what it says on the tin: everything you need to manage your team and your fast-paced projects, all in a single app.

Set up your team collaboration environment in minutes, entirely from your iPhone. Tap to create private collaboration Rooms. Tap to instantly share documents -- from Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, or email. Tap to discuss links, locations, photos, videos, tasks, and more.

Collaborate is the new, mobile-native way to collaborate. Download Collaborate for iPhone today. It’s free for small teams.

About June 2013

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in June 2013. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2013 is the previous archive.

July 2013 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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