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March 2014 Archives

March 3, 2014

Pixate Freestyle

Pixate Freestyle is a simple, powerful way to define a native mobile app's look and feel using CSS. Style your mobile apps like you might a web page, but it's 100 percent native. Pixate Freestyle is free and open source, and works with iOS and Android.

March 10, 2014

We Are Looking for Highly Skilled iOS Developers to Join Booking.com

Help us to make the best travel app in the world and join our mobile team in the city of Amsterdam. Interested? Apply now.

March 20, 2014

Field Notes Brand

Field Note's new seasonal release for spring is the Shelterwood Edition. We all know that paper is made from wood. These memo-books are made of wood. They feature covers made from American Cherry and no two are the same. The Shelterwood Edition is available right now in 3-Packs and as part of a year-long subscription. Sign up for a subscription today and get the Shelterwood Edition right now and the next 3 seasonal editions as they're released. Use the coupon code FIREBALL and we'll jam-pack your first shipment with extra stuff. Lots of extra stuff.

March 25, 2014

Igloo Is an Intranet You'll Actually Like

Igloo is an intranet you'll actually like: built with easy-to-use, integrated apps like shared calendars, Twitter-like microblogs, file sharing, and more. Everything you need is built-in, and everything is social. This means if you upload a file or write a corporate blog post, your employees can share it, comment on it, rate it, like it, and even manage versions.

The idea is to get your whole company communicating better.

If your company has a legacy intranet or a customer community built on SharePoint, you should give Igloo a try. This report from Igloo outlines the five main areas SharePoint falls short and how Igloo does it better.

March 31, 2014

Crashlytics — The Most Powerful, Real-time Crash Reporting for iOS and Android

Spend less time finding and more time fixing crashes. Crashlytics provides deep and actionable insights, even the exact line of code your app crashed on. We’re extremely passionate about building the most powerful tools for developers. Our plugins keep you informed of the issues within your app so you can track the most prevalent crashes without ever leaving your IDE.

Our platform is designed for scale and enterprise-level security. Trusted by apps like Square, Amazon, Yelp, and Path, we offer unlimited developer seats at no cost! Enjoy it on us.

About March 2014

This page contains all entries posted to Feed Sponsorship Ads in March 2014. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2014 is the previous archive.

April 2014 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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