By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
When your only tool is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.
When your favorite web client is NetNewsWire Lite, every web site starts to look like it ought to provide an RSS feed.
NetNewsWire is that good. Until NetNewsWire, the whole news aggregation/RSS scene made my eyes glaze over. I knew what it was. I understood the purpose. I just didn’t see the appeal. In fact, when this very web site debuted a mere six weeks ago, it didn’t have an RSS feed (even though it’s just a checkbox away in Movable Type), because I didn’t see the point.
NetNewsWire has all the makings of becoming a killer app. Is there a single Mac-oriented weblog that hasn’t yet sung its praises?
My only problem is that I have a strong tendency to refer to it as “NetNewsWatcher”, as though it were related to John Norstad’s renowned Usenet client (and derivatives).
The most surprising thing about NetNewsWire isn’t that it has changed how I read web sites, but that it has changed which web sites I read. Sites without feeds (Zeldman, I’m looking in your direction) are falling off my daily read list because I don’t remember to check them for new content.
Sites which offer feeds are replacing sites that don’t on my reading list. For example, MacUpdate offers RSS feeds (one for OS X, one for OS 9); VersionTracker offers none.
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