By John Gruber
Clerk’s iOS SDK: Authentication and user management for Apple applications.
I’ve been wondering for a while how much of the angst over iPhone OS’s lack of Flash is about porno. And as for Flash games, isn’t it utterly obvious that existing Flash games, which work via keyboard and mouse, wouldn’t work at all on devices which lack both keyboard and mouse?
Anyway, I presume Brimelow put this together as an intended slag against the iPad. I look at this, though, and my first thought is that Brimelow ought to start looking for a new job.
Update: DF reader Ryan Cooley emails with this alternative take on MobileSafari’s lack of Flash. And, even better, several readers emailed to point out that the porno site Brimelow used as his example, Bang Bros, in fact has an iPhone-optimized web site that serves video using QuickTime.
Lastly, I didn’t mean to imply that Brimelow ought to start looking for a new job because he linked to a porno site as example of Flash. He probably deserves credit for honesty for that. (I have no idea how that’ll fly politically inside Adobe, though.) I’m saying he ought to look for a new job because his current one is as an evangelist for a technology that is past its prime and is now measurably in decline.
★ Friday, 29 January 2010