By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
Three weeks ago, I launched the 2007 Daring Fireball Membership Drive. Today is the final day of the drive; prizes will be awarded tomorrow.
So far, so good, at this writing we’re about 60 signups short of last year’s tally. Given how many people usually wait until the last day, it’s looking good to top last year. If you’ve been waiting, and you want in on the prizes, today is the day. If you’ve already signed up or renewed, you have my sincere thanks.
There are two ways to join or renew:
If you’ve already signed up and are eligible for the contest (anyone who has bought a t-shirt or signed up for a membership from 1 January 2007 until midnight today, PDT), you can specify which of the prizes you’re most interested in by sending a list ranking your preferred prizes to this email address:
Do not send any other sort of inquiry or comment to that address. Here’s how it works. There are 133 prizes to be awarded. I’ll pick 133 winners at random from the eligible members; if you’re selected as a winner and have submitted a list of prizes to the above email address, you’ll win one of those prizes if any are still available. Otherwise, you’ll win a random prize from the remaining pool.
(If you’re not interested in the contest, you can also use this address to send “Please don’t include me in the contest” messages.)
There are a few additional prizes in the pile since the last time I wrote about it. Late additions to the list include:
Mint: 5 copies of Mint 2.0, Shaun Inman’s excellent web stats package.
37signals: $50 credit toward a new or existing Basecamp account.
The other prizes are listed in the contest announcement here.
Previous: | Bottleneck |
Next: | Another Look at These Swell T-Shirts |