By John Gruber
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A few administrative points regarding the new The Talk Show (a.k.a. The Talk Show 3):
You should follow The Talk Show on Twitter.
A new network means a new RSS feed URL. If you were subscribed to the old 5by5 feed, you’ll need to update your subscription in iTunes or whatever app you use for listening to the show. Here’s the new URL for the RSS feed, and here’s the new URL for the show in iTunes.
Speaking of iTunes, please write (and rate) reviews of the show. Be honest, that’s all I ask. As I did during this week’s show, I’ll read the reviews ranked “most helpful” live on the show this week, no matter what they say.
Speaking of the new network, I want to say thanks to everyone at Mule Radio Syndicate. They’re a pleasure to work with and I’m delighted to have them hosting the show. And be sure to download the excellent (and free) Mule Radio iPhone app, built by our friends at Black Pixel. You should write and rate reviews of the app, too.
I’m selling sponsorships for the show directly. Two spots per episode, $2500 per spot. The next two shows are already half-booked, but after that the schedule is clear. If you have a product or service you’d like to promote to the most-discerning podcast audience in the world, send me an email.
I can’t thank the show’s debut sponsors enough — Rogue Amoeba and 37signals the first week, Bare Bones Software and Red Sweater Software this past week. It means a lot to me that all four got on board before hearing an episode. I also want to thank my first two guests, John Moltz and Adam Lisagor.
Along with those things, I want to thank Dan Benjamin for doing both of the previous incarnations of The Talk Show with me. Dan’s a natural born co-host, and we did an awful lot of good (and occasionally, dare I say, great) shows together. Two years ago, Dan had the idea to launch and grow a podcast network targeted not necessarily at the biggest tech/nerd audience, but rather the best tech/nerd audience. He was right, it worked, and I’m proud The Talk Show was a part of that. Lastly, to long-time listeners of the show, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your support, feedback, and attention.