By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
Kevin Ballard’s analysis of the undocumented system call behind the “live window” Genie special effects. He made use of it in his Ironcoder contest entry, DaliClock. (Via Mark Dalrymple via email.)
Not news to me that windows being sucked into the Dock are “live” (try the slow-minimize effect with a running QuickTime movie, for example), but this is a neat trick nonetheless, and it’s one of those things most people probably don’t realize. (Thanks to Chris Ryland for the link.)
Scott Stevenson, and most of his commenters, push back against Matt Neuburg’s criticism of the food and accommodations at WWDC 2006.
One spot open for September; get it while the getting is good. (Send your inquiries to
My thanks to August’s Deck advertisers: DesignerID, Adobe, Fresh Books, Adaptive Path UX Week, Carson Systems, O’Reilly, Text Link Ads, Jewelboxing, Squarespace, and Veer. Their support for Daring Fireball is much appreciated.
Public beta — complete with warnings that there are missing features, bugs, and that the data store is not to be trusted yet — Getting Things Done app.
Very well-done new app ($18) for sharing your iTunes music over the Internet. You select which of your playlists you want to share, and Musicast runs a web server on your Mac that shares those songs. The web interface has a very slick UI (as does the Musicast app itself), and it also publishes your playlists in RSS format for iTunes (or whatever other feed reader you want to use).
He’s set up a special line where he forwards telemarketers, with a playback loop full of comments intended to keep them on the line for as long as possible (“Why don’t you tell me a bit more about what you’re offering...”). He’s recording the resulting calls and posting the funniest ones.
I’ve long thought that equating pageviews with popularity leads to site design that requires users to reload pages over and over — e.g. the way many “news” sites break up articles into two or three pages to load.
“Eric is obviously doing a terrific job as CEO of Google, and we look forward to his contributions as a member of Apple’s board of directors,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “Like Apple, Google is very focused on innovation and we think Eric’s insights and experience will be very valuable in helping to guide Apple in the years ahead.”
Unlike Microsoft, Apple clearly doesn’t consider Google a competitor.
Let’s hope this leads to Google producing better Mac desktop software.
Universal has apparently agreed to participate in SpiralFrog, an upcoming new music service that plans to make music available without charge, but to get the downloads, you’ll have to sit through advertisements (or perhaps the ads will be attached to the downloaded songs?), and the music will be encoded in a protected WMA format, which means it won’t work on iPods. And users will have to keep coming back to the SpiralFrog web site once per month to watch more ads to keep all of their previous downloads enabled.
I smell yet another dud.
Dave Nanian of Shirt Pocket software — developers of the excellent SuperDuper backup utility for Mac OS X — on Time Machine:
Some sort of backup functionality belongs in the OS. It’s been a long time coming. The fact that it wasn’t there left opportunities for third parties, but that doesn’t mean Apple shouldn’t address the missing functionality.
Ian Hickson:
The best part of all this, though, is that I managed to get the word “frankensteinesque” onto the /TR/ page!
Detailed Apple KnowledgeBase article with advanced techniques for tuning AppleShare performance. (Via Nat Irons via email.)
Apple, on a page touting the Mac’s security advantage versus Windows (emphasis added):
On a Windows PC, software (both good and evil) can change the system without your even knowing about it. In order for software to significantly modify Mac OS X, you have to type in your password. You’re the decider. You approve changes to your system.
George W. Bush, linguistic trend-setter.
(Thanks to DF reader Nathan Henderson for the link.)
$15 mouse hack for Mac OS X adds focus-follows-mouse behavior, along with the ability to resize, move, and identify background windows without clicking on them. I wouldn’t use this, but it might be popular with recent switchers who gripe about the focus-follows-mouse thing. (Via Jesper via AIM.)
Last month, developer Simon Haertel stopped distributing his excellent freeware game Quinn after receiving a legal nastygram from The Tetris Company. After evaluating his legal position, Quinn is back, and now described thusly:
Quinn is an implementation of a popular falling-blocks game, which, according to the Tetris Company, must not be named here.
I just learned this trick a few weeks ago at WWDC from Ben Artin of Fetch Softworks.
Yeah, we’ve been busy. What’s new? Undiscovered events, Flickr photos for events, buddy icons, new event pages, and more than we can remember.
I love the Flickr integration, and the “undiscovered events” feature gives Upcoming users access to thousands of events from Yahoo Local.
Upcoming documentary about “typography, graphic design, and global visual culture”.
Clever idea for Dock icon badges for Apple’s Installer. (Via Rentzsch.)
“Don’t even get me started on this one.”
Typical eBay bid pattern — it went from around $75,000 to $250,000 in the last 12 minutes.
Matt Neuburg on the rather crummy food and accommodations at WWDC 2006 earlier this month:
Lunches were plastic salad and plastic sandwiches in plastic containers; breakfast was nearly non-existent. Snacks between talks were dried-up pastry. One evening there was something that pretended to be pizza; it was so bad that people were literally gasping in disbelief.
I pretty much concur completely.
Jensen Harris on how the UI designers on the Office 2007 team tried to pay attention to Fitts’s Law. Excellent usability discussion.
Totally serious, yet still hilarious.
George Ou responds to my coverage of the MacBook wireless hack saga.
I had a feeling Dell’s recall announcement was bad news for Apple, too.
Crazy Apple Rumors Site:
Mac users will remember MacStrawman as the Mac user who:
- Says the Mac is utterly invulnerable to any and all malicious attack.
- Mindlessly worships Steve Jobs.
- Blindly buys anything Apple releases no matter how dumb and stupid and dumb it is.
- Refuses to accept that Windows might be better at anything. Even being Windows.
- Emails death threats to anyone who disagrees with him.
A “more like this” feature for Google Scholar. (Via Jesper via email.)
Rich Mogull’s alternate theory on the MacBook wireless hack saga. Possible, but in my opinion, not likely.
Lots of bug fixes, but only four new features from CSS 2.1. In my experience — limited these days, thankfully — IE7 isn’t that much easier to accommodate than IE6.
Probably more money than Creative ever made selling their players, and a relative drop in the bucket on Apple’s part — even if they’d continued to fight it, they would have spent tens of millions in legal fees, and they would have risked a fiasco like what happened to BlackBerry maker RIM.
“Creative is very fortunate to have been granted this early patent,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “This settlement resolves all of our differences with Creative, including the five lawsuits currently pending between the companies, and removes the uncertainty and distraction of prolonged litigation.”
I love that dig from Jobs in the first sentence. He couldn’t even let the PR go out without making it clear that he hates giving them a nickel for that patent.
What a dumb idea. YouTube is feared and despised by the record/movie/TV companies that Apple is courting for the iTunes Music Store. I love YouTube, but the simple truth is that their stock in trade is redistributing without permission video clips whose copyrights are held by others. (Also: “Steve Jobs” wouldn’t be the one to buy YouTube; “Apple Computer” would.)
I love saying “I told you so.”
Battery exchange program for “certain rechargeable batteries that were sold for use with 15-inch MacBook Pro computer systems from February 2006 through May 2006”. Not, however, a safety issue; they’re being recalled because they “do not meet [Apple’s] high standards for battery performance”.
Jason Hoffman:
[...] I can see it doing to Mint what Google Calendar did to Kiko.
Mint certainly looks nicer, that’s for sure. And given Google’s design record, that’s likely to remain true. But Google Analytics’s web pages load much faster than Mint’s (much faster for me at least), Google stores your stats for you (whereas Mint requires you to have and configure a MySQL database), and, most obviously, Google Analytics is free.
Google Analytics — based on the web stats package formerly known as Urchin — is now open for anyone, for free. I’ve been using it for a few days and it’s pretty nice. My biggest complaint so far is that it shows almost no information at all about your incoming referrers.
If you use Frasier Speirs’s excellent FlickrExport plug-in for iPhoto — as I do — you need this update, because Flickr changed their API in such a way that broke previous versions.
What right-wingers see when they read The New York Times. (Via Khoi Vinh.)
Martin Pilkington’s price comparison between the Mac Pro and Dell Precision 3.0 GHz workstations.
David Heinemeier Hansson, responding to Paul Graham’s Google-Calendar-killed-Kiko argument:
No. Don’t run, don’t hide. Be different. You can’t outdo Google by trying to match them point-by-point, but you don’t have to. There are other, better ways to fight. Compete differently.
Helps with your Web 2.0 business plans (or perhaps with your pitch for a session at the Web 2.0 conference?).
Tagging plug-in for Apple Mail, now with support for IMAP (so that you can tag messages on one machine and see the same tags on another.
Very funny shirt. (Thanks to Jim Correia for the link.)
I want to like OmniWeb 5.5, but truth be told I’m having a hard time getting used to its tabs after spending a year or so using Safari and Camino. I’ll give it another shot, though.
Paul Graham (who, as a principal at Y Combinator, funded Kiko):
What nailed Kiko was Google Calendar. Once that came out, not only did Kiko’s growth stop, but a lot of existing users defected. Justin and Emmett told me a large fraction of Kiko’s users had Gmail addresses.
$150 for XP Home, $205 for XP Pro. This is certainly one way for Mac resellers to distinguish themselves from the Apple Store. (Via Chris Pepper via AIM.)
The Associated Press:
Apple Computer Inc.’s investigation into claims of poor conditions at a Chinese iPod factory found no forced labor but revealed that workers were exceeding the company’s limits on hours and days to be worked per week, the company said Friday.
The plan goes all the way to 2011, but still, investing $36 billion into their own stock seems like a big-time bet to me.
Bill Bumgarner:
I have now gone on stage twice and talked about how useful an RSS feed is for a subversion server. About time I actually document how to set up such a thing.
Jason Hoffman on Kiko, the Y Combinator-funded web calendaring startup that has placed its assets up for sale on eBay:
I love it.
Even the “Condition” is stated as “Used”, and the shipping is free.
Apple has published a report on their investigation regarding charges of poor living and working conditions at a Chinese factory where iPods are manufactured:
In response to the allegations, we immediately dispatched an audit team comprised of members from our human resources, legal and operations groups to carry out a thorough investigation of the conditions at the manufacturing site. The audit covered the areas of labor standards, working and living environment, compensation, overtime and worker treatment.
(Thanks to Jesper for the link.)
Bug fixes and minor feature upgrades to Gus Mueller’s innovate wiki-style notes app.
Free Bonjour discovery tool by Tom Insam and Paul Mison at 2lmc Spool.
Jim Dalrymple:
“Despite SecureWorks being quoted saying the Mac is threatened by the exploit demonstrated at Black Hat, they have provided no evidence that in fact it is,” Apple Director of Mac PR, Lynn Fox, told Macworld.
Can someone explain why these cost more — as in like $800 more — than similarly equipped ThinkPads with Windows XP? Shouldn’t the Linux ones be cheaper?
The “wheel” isn’t actually a scroll wheel, it’s just four buttons arranged in a wheel. (WTF?) The Wi-Fi features aren’t operational yet.
LLVM as an eventual successor to GCC as the default compiler for Mac OS X? The LLVM-powered World of Warcraft demo at WWDC was impressive.
75.6 percent share for Apple, followed by 9.7 percent for Sandisk, 4.3 for Creative, 2.5 for Samsung, and, embarrasingly, a mere 1.9 percent for Sony.
Anil Dash on frequently-recommended Windows apps that are in fact either unnecessary or outright harmful. Useful advice for Mac nerds dipping their toes into Windows via Boot Camp and Parallels.
The government argued that the program is well within the president’s authority, but said proving that would require revealing state secrets.
A little bit of the old ultra-violence, Charlie Brown-style. (Via Andy Baio.)
Daniel Jalkut’s $19 utility for setting alarms and scheduling repetitive tasks is out of beta. It’s hard to categorize FlexTime, as it’s not really like any other app I’ve ever seen.
How come no one told me Douglas Coupland was writing a weblog for The New York Times?
Low End Mac’s index page for 68K-based PowerBooks. Apple shipped over 20 different notebooks using the “PowerBook” brand before the switch to PowerPC processors. The “Power” in “PowerBook” did not stand for “PowerPC”.
Ubuntu toe-dipper Tim Bray’s PowerBook is back from the shop, and so he’s back on Mac OS X. His thoughts on the switch are, as usual, interesting.
Dave Shea, on using Parallels to run Windows for browser compatibility testing with IE:
I’m becoming more and more convinced that the new Intel-based Macs are the ultimate web designer’s companion [...]
September 4, 1972. One of my very favorite TV shows as a kid. I’ve always been a fan of Bob Barker — the guy knows how to host a game show, and you can tell from this clip that he had it down pat right from the start. The fact that stuff like this is on YouTube is just amazing. (Via Digg.)
David Young (not the same David Young who’s the CEO/founder of Joyent):
Holy smokes, the security staff at Moscone West are assholes. They’re a blemish on the otherwise pleasant experience of WWDC — imagine, you are busy talking about some new idea and some fat woman, smacking her gum, leans into you and yells USE THE OTHER DOOR. TURN YOUR BADGE AROUND. YOU CAN’T USE THIS ESCALATOR.
Why were they keeping people from using the up escalator right by the front doors?
I’m going to try this. (Via Wolf Rentzsch.)
Vaporware in-development “clone” of TextMate for Windows.
Iconfactory’s Craig Hockenberry on the future of icon design in a world of significantly higher resolution displays. See also: Jasper Hauser on the same topic.
Dozens of screenshots from the Mac OS X 10.5 seed distributed at WWDC last week. Hooray for the new Finder preference that lets you turn off the asinine warning when changing a file name extension.
I particularly enjoyed the footnote wherein he speculates on what a Microsoft UI for a Time Machine-style feature would look like.
Digg is ripe for this sort of abuse. (Via Andy Baio.)
Om Malik:
Less than a year after the search engine giant said that it would unwire its hometown of Mountain View, California, GoogleFi is now open for packets.
Adds support for new Intel-based Macs, iSight cameras, right-clicking in Windows by holding the right-hand Apple key (no idea why only the right one), and installing Windows XP on any internal disk. Recommended for anyone using previous versions of Boot Camp.
Update: Apparently the new right-clicking feature only uses the right-side Apple key because the left one is mapped as the Windows key; in previous Boot Camp betas the right-side Apple key did nothing. It also occurs to me that this feature really only ought to matter to notebook users; desktop users can just get a real multi-button mouse.
Sun’s new UltraSPARC servers are so energy-efficient that California’s PG&E utility company is offering a rebate to companies that use them. Sun CEO Jonathan Swartz writes:
If you ever get asked by a cynic, or your management “what’s the real value of being green?,” I can give you a very specific answer, at least for Sun. In the State of California, it’s worth $700 to $1000 per server. I did say per server. Every single bid we’re in across the state just got $700 to $1,000 per server more competitive.
Derek Powazek’s new venture, “out to create the ultimate web/print hybrid magazines”. Intriguing.
Blake Seely:
Why cognitive dissonance? Well, I think the anchored selection style is more difficult to implement, so I just never considered it.
I’m trying to remember if there’s any other software from Adobe that isn’t universal yet...
Very nice additions to the language.
Humiliating, really. (Via Kottke.)
Screenshots of the developer seed of Leopard.
Damon Darlin reporting for The New York Times:
That same month, a Dell notebook in the cab of a pickup parked alongside Lake Mead in Nevada caught fire, igniting ammunition in the glove box and then the gas tanks. The truck exploded. “A few minutes later and we’d have been coming up out of the canyon when the notebook blew up,” said Thomas Forqueran, owner of the laptop and truck. “Somebody is going to wind up getting killed.”
Yikes. The 4.1 million batteries they’re recalling constitute the largest safety recall in consumer electronics history.
No gloating, though: this might be a problem with many lithium-ion batteries manufactured by Sony, not a problem specific to Dell.
Daniel Jalkut’s new tool for scripting access to keychain entries is over 200 times faster than Apple’s bizarrely slow Keychain Scripting scripting addition.
Brilliant commercial. (Via Greg Storey.)
Bare Feats:
We put four 750GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 drives inside the Mac Pro. We booted from the original factory boot drive which we installed in a GLYPH external SATA-to-FW800 enclosure. We had strange results. Weird results.
Buy a Mac Pro (or any other Mac hardware) at Amazon via this link and help support Daring Fireball. (Considering how many people I met at WWDC who have already ordered one, I clearly should have done this last week.)
Also: Anyone who orders a new Mac from Amazon via the Daring Fireball referral link gets a free one-year DF membership. I can’t track this automatically, so you’ll have to email me after placing your order and I’ll create (or extend) your membership by hand.
Keith Stattenfield, who was the lead engineer for Mac OS 9.0 and 9.1, tried three times to correct an egregious error in the Wikipedia entry for Mac OS 9, but his correction kept getting yanked.
I see now that the entry has been updated, but rather than just remove the falsehood completely, it’s been edited to say that it’s something that “some people have incorrectly claimed”, with a link to the false AppleInsider story that made the claim. If you know it’s incorrect, why mention it at all?
Tim Bray:
I’ve just put up a prototype of something I call the Atom Protocol Exerciser. It might evolve to become a sanity-checking tool something along the lines of the Feed Validator. I don’t want to call it a “validator” because a feed can be said unambiguously to be valid, or not; but a publishing-system interface might be unusably buggy or slow or have moronic authentication policies; all the Exerciser (let’s just say “the Ape” for short) does is perform a bunch of operations that a typical APP client might, and report the results.
Leander “Cult of Mac” Kahney, complaining that he was bored by the WWDC keynote address:
Granted, the system as a whole looks slick, and Jobs said he was keeping some new features “top secret” to stop Microsoft from copying them. But the sneak peek just confirmed what we already know: OS X is so mature and polished, major system upgrades are more about tweaks than big new functions. (Yeah, I know there’s a lot of technical wizardry under the hood, but that’s for the geeks).
This week’s developer’s conference is a big show for Mac nerds. More than 4,000 of them paid a pretty penny to be here this week, and Jobs’ talk is the highlight of the show. For many of them, this is the only chance they get to see their hero in the flesh.
Kahney seems to have completely missed that this was Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference, not the World Wide Jackass Non-Technical I-Treat-the-Mac-as-a-Cult-Rather-Than-a-Computing-Platform Hack Conference.
WWDC attendees didn’t spend “a pretty penny” to see the fucking keynote; they spent their money so they could get the technical low-down on what’s new in 10.5, and so they could get face time with Apple engineers. Apple announced a lot of cool new stuff: garbage collection for Objective-C, Xcode 3.0, Core Animation, 64-bit support for the entire OS, the first new interface for Interface Builder since way back in the Next era — the list of “cool new shit” that was announced is really pretty long.
Complaining that the announcements at WWDC only appealed to “the geeks” is like going to a rock concert and complaining that all they did was play loud music.
Genius fusion of Kubrick and Nintendo nerdery. (Via Dan Benjamin via email.)
I was not previously aware of this particular connotation of the word “irregularities”. This is starting to sound Not Good.
As for Apple, deeper trouble could be signified by its use of the term “irregularities” to describe what initial inquiries into grant practices had found. That term was used again in the announcement earlier this month indicating that options problems were bad enough to require a restatement of past earnings.
Several Silicon Valley defense lawyers — all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity because they have ties either to Apple or to other backdating cases — said that in accounting parlance, “irregularities” generally indicates a problem that’s not accidental.
Eric Schwiebert from the Mac BU on Microsoft’s decision to drop support for Visual Basic in the upcoming release of Office for Mac. This is an extraordinarily comprehensive and technical overview of the reasons behind their decision — before the era of weblogs, we’d never have gotten anything other than a message filtered through Microsoft’s marketing department.
Chris Pepper:
Apple provides a neat feature for automatically tunneling AFP through ssh, but unfortunately it’s broken in half a dozen ways...
“Shameless rip-off” of Apple’s new web clipping widget tool coming in Leopard. (Via Tim Gaden’s new X Factor weblog.)
Nice overview of the major developer-level announcements regarding Leopard.
In-depth analysis of the tech specs of the Mac Pros.
I’ve tossed a handful of additional photos up on Flickr.
Many people here at WWDC have, shall we say, strong opinions on the Time Machine UI.
Macworld’s Jason Snell and Jonathan Seff on the new Mac Pros.
The web clip feature in Safari is really pretty cool.
Xcode 3 adds an innovative UI for code folding, where the gutter gets darker as an indication of the indent level. Objective-C 2.0 adds garbage collection and a foreach
-style variant of the for
loop for iterating. Apple says Xcode 3 was written using Objective-C 2 with garbage collection turned on.
Read-write shared calendar access from iCal, with support for Sunbird and Outlook as clients, too.
Brand-new written-by-Apple wiki/weblog software, with the best WYSIWYG web-based editor I’ve ever seen. This is a big part of Apple’s new “Teams” app.
Enzyme analysis tool for molecular biologists wins for Best Scientific Computing Solution.
Christopher Liscio’s sound measurement utility wins the runner-up for Best Scientific Computing Solution.
Aspyr wins for Best Game. Not much shooting in this game.
Freeverse wins the runner-up for Best Game. “You won’t run out of things to shoot.”
Allan Odgaard’s text editor wins for Best Developer Tool. Raucous applause when this one was announced.
Phillipe Mougin’s Cocoa scripting tool wins the runner-up for Best Developer Tool.
InDesign workflow wins for Best Automator Workflow.
3D modeling and animation app wins for Best Use of Graphics on Mac OS X. Very cool-looking app. Extra credit for having a morph filter called “eyes wide shut”.
Game development tool; runner-up for Best Use of Mac OS X Graphics.
Inventive’s multi-clipboard tool wins for Best Dashboard Widget. Looks both very cool and very useful. Well-deserved victory.
Runner-up for Best Dashboard Widget.
Equinux’s eBay auction manager wins for Best Mac OS X User Experience. Features slick integration with iSight cameras for taking pictures of the items you want to sell.
Boinx Software’s photo slideshow app is the runner-up for Best Mac OS X User Experience.
William Thimbleby’s vector art app wins the Apple Design Award for best student project. Very impressive app.
Potion Factory’s $13 audio recorder with a bunch of built-in filters. Sort of like Photo Booth for audio.
Microsoft’s Raymond Chen on how Windows uses Shift-F8 to enter a discontiguous multiple-item selection mode in listbox controls. Wacky.
I’m not yet sure what exactly it is, but the word on the street is that it’s some hot shit.
I’m hoping that Yojimbo wins an Apple Design Award tonight.
Lots and lots of open source announcements from Apple, including the x86 kernel source code, Apache-licensed Bonjour and Launchd source code, and a new “Mac OS Forge” community web site to host these projects.
They plan to ship with Mongrel support by the time Leopard goes GM.
Open source Windows web browser based on Apple’s Web Kit rendering engine. Not sure if they really mean “Web Kit” instead of “WebCore”, and using that icon is almost certainly a no-no that’ll spark a nastygram from Apple’s lawyers.
CalConnect is the consortium behind the standards behind iCal Server.
Open source group calendar from Apple; the guts behind Leopard’s iCal Server.
A few photos from WWDC.
Competition for Parallels. (Via Dan Benjamin.)
Comprehensive overview of the “Repair Permissions” feature in Apple’s Disk Utility by Macworld’s Dan Frakes. Outstanding.
Jim Thompson:
Ellch and Maynor didn’t present a paper titled, “we can create a covert channel by having control of the software on both sides of a communication link” because its trivial to do so. Instead they did exacty that, but colored it so people would be mystified, perplexed and think that there was some new exploit buried deep in the 802.11 protocol, when, point-in-fact, there is not.
(Via Glenn Fleishman.)
In light of the stock options back-dating problem, former Apple employee David Sobotta paints an ugly picture of Apple’s upper-level executive culture. (Via Joe Clark via email.)
$16 System Prefs panel adds a bunch of customizable features to the Apple Remote. (Via Tao of Mac.)
Love the photo.
70 percent of 2007 model-year cars sold in the U.S. will feature iPod integration.
The Associated Press:
Apple Computer Inc. shares sank nearly 5 percent Friday, a day after the computer and software maker said it expects to restate some of its financial results as a probe into its granting of stock options widens, threatening years of profit.
Losing subscribers and losing money, Napster is looking to sell itself.
Nice response from Charles Wiltgen to Cory Doctorow’s anti-ITMS screed in InformationWeek. Update: The link went 404 for a few hours, but it’s back now.
Remember back in March when Josh Marshall switched to the Mac? Today he published an update on how it’s gone. In a nut, he’s in love.
Also not to miss: this follow-up where he expounds upon the need for a standard tabbed-document control widget.
Interesting WINE-like library for porting Windows games to Intel-based Macs:
Cider works by directly loading a Windows program into memory on an Intel-Mac and linking it to an optimized version of the Win32 APIs. Games are simply wrapped up in the Cider engine and they work on the Mac. This means developers only have one code base to maintain while keeping the ability to target multiple platforms. Cider powered games use the same copy protection, lobbies, game matching and connectivity as the original. All this means less work and lower costs. Cider is targeted at game developers and publishers and, unlike Cedega, is not an end user product.
(Via Jesper via AIM.)
The Washington Post’s Brian Krebs reports on a supposed wireless networking exploit that allows a MacBook to be hijacked. I smell bullshit, though — if you watch the video, the exploit apparently requires the MacBook to be using a third-party wireless card. Given that all MacBooks come with built-in AirPort support, how many MacBook users are actually susceptible to this? Any?
Worse, Krebs’s post makes no mention of this, instead making it sound as though the exploit works against MacBooks using their built-in wireless cards and drivers. If it’s truly the case that this particular exploit only works if a MacBook is using a third-party Wi-Fi card and driver software, it’s sensationalism at its worst — a case of supposed security experts impugning Apple’s reputation for the sole purpose of drawing attention to themselves.
iPhoto plug-in and standalone app for Google’s photo sharing service.
New golf stats app for Mac OS X.
Public beta of new spreadsheet app for Mac OS X. Doesn’t do graphs, and the price isn’t set yet, but it looks like a good start.
John C. Welch:
What happens when you say, dump this installer .mpkg on a bunch of machines at the login window via Apple Remote Desktop or some other tool?
Why, Flip4Mac helpfully creates, UNDER THE LOGIN WINDOW, a full GUI root login. Finder and everything.
Peter N. Lewis:
Rather than write a blog entry about how to do this, I figured I would just go ahead and make a simple website hosted by Amazon S3 showing how to make a simple website hosted by Amazon S3 using Interarchy. Very recursive.
If you manually disable port 626 in Mac OS X Server’s firewall settings — which port is used by Apple for serial number checking — the serialnumberd
daemon will re-enable it behind your back about a minute later.
Posters and lobby cards from all of Kubrick’s major motion pictures. This one from 2001: A Space Odyssey is a personal favorite. (Via Kottke.)