Safari Links

Apple: Safari Download:

This Safari Update is recommended for all Safari users.

Mark Pilgrim: How to Hide CSS from Safari:

Given the situation, I did was any self-respecting over-achieving web designer would do: I ran through hundreds of CSS import tests, found 18 cases that affect Safari, tested each of them in 27 browsers, and made a table of the results.

Mark Pilgrim’s Safari coverage is simply amazing — the definitive resource for web developers. But, Jesus, how does he find the time for such extensive investigations?

Tantek: Work Detail:

I work on the Tasman rendering engine, which is being used by MSN for MacOSX. But MSN for MacOSX is much more than that.

Dennis Mahoney: Why are Kottke and Megnut two different weblogs?

I’ve whipped up a few rough mockups to demonstrate how this would work.

Next:Lies, Damn Lies