By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
Here’s another codeless language module for BBEdit 8, for Movable Type configuration files (‘mt.cfg’). It provides syntax coloring for comments and MT directive keywords; by default, it claims any file whose name ends with ‘mt.cfg’.
Download link and installation instructions (cinchy) at the module’s project page.
The Movable Type user manual has a section on Configuration Settings; this module supports all the directive keywords listed there, plus the following six which aren’t documented, but which I found in the default ‘mt.cfg’ file for MT 3.11:
Phil Ringnalda emailed to point out that the canonical list of supported
MT configuration directives is in the /mt/lib/MT/
file. From there, I slurped out 25 additional keywords:
(Note to Six Apart: It’d be nice to have these documented.)