By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
In addition to the new features mentioned at Macworld and in Apple’s “what’s new in the iPhone update” video, here’s what I’ve noticed:
You can now type accented character variants by pressing and holding on some letters on the keyboard. You get a pop-up menu with additional character choices. For example, press-and-hold on E and you get to choose from E, È, É, Ê, Ë, and Ę. The same trick also works for the ? and ! keys, allowing you to type ¿ and ¡.
Bonjour networking now works. E.g. if you’re using Mac OS X’s “Web Sharing” feature to serve a web site using Apache from your Mac, you can now access that server from your iPhone over Wi-Fi using your-machine-name.local, rather than having to use the IP address. This was a curious omission from iPhone 1.0 — as James Duncan Davidson wrote back in early July, after years of using Bonjour (née Rendezvous), “it just seems weird to use IP addresses again.” (Thanks to Scott P. Richert.)
A JavaScript “Debug Console” is available for MobileSafari (turn it on in Settings → Safari → Developer). This one is definitely old news to iPod Touch users.
Text message notification sounds: Settings → Sounds → New Text Message has a list of new alert sounds to choose from when you get a text message. They’re great sounds — iPhone has way better sounds than Mac OS X.
If you spot anything else, let me know and I’ll add to the list.
Update: The accented character trick and Bonjour networking both work on the iPod Touch as well.
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