By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
Macworld’s Total Lion Superguide is a 132-page e-book containing everything you need to know about Lion. Produced by Macworld’s team of writers and editors, it includes an in-depth Lion installation and recovery guide, as well as a comprehensive guide to new Lion features. The downloadable edition includes DRM-free PDF and EPub versions. Daring Fireball readers can use the coupon code FIREBALL to get $3 off any Macworld Superguide ebook, including this one, via our store. (The Total Lion Superguide is also available on the iBookstore for $9.99.)
This RSS sponsorship ran on Monday, 8 August 2011.