By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
Remember the thing where Dan Wood’s Karelia Software had Watson, but then Apple released the very Watson-esque Sherlock 3? Karelia’s been working the past year or more on a consumer-friendly web page editor called Sandvox, which, judging only from the name, might be running head-on into Apple’s apparently-soon-to-be-released “iWeb”.
Wood addresses the impending release of iWeb here, revisits the Watson-Sherlock story (admitting that Apple gave him advance knowledge of Sherlock 3’s release, and that they offered him a job on the Sherlock team, which offer he turned down, all of which is contrary to the conventional wisdom regarding the Watson-Sherlock saga), and ties it all in nicely with the introduction of Karelia’s new logo (the typography of which logo I shan’t comment upon).
★ Friday, 6 January 2006