By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
Profits and revenues are record-breaking for Apple (again), but share prices dropped 7 percent after Apple lowered projections for the next quarter.
Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s executive vice president for worldwide sales and operations, told analysts that the company was anticipating a shortage of MacBook Pro computers in the second quarter. The first of Apple’s notebook line to use the Intel chip is expected to ship in February. “We may not be able to meet demand for MacBook Pro,” Mr. Cook said. He also said a version of the iPod Nano, the 4-gigahertz [sic] model, was “lean” in certain regions. “We are working hard to get those out there.”
(I’m pretty certain they meant “gigabyte”, not “gigahertz”. Also, they got Cook’s title wrong — Cook is now Apple’s COO. What a rag The New York Times is.)
★ Thursday, 19 January 2006