Linked List: August 30, 2007

Transmit 3.6 

Panic’s Transmit gains support for Amazon S3, a mere 14 months after it appeared in Interarchy 8.1.

‘The Beat Goes On’ – Apple Special Event on Wednesday 

The Cover Flow-style design of the invitation is a pretty strong hint that they’re going to release OS X-based iPods. Moscone West is a big venue, so I’m betting they’ll announce The Beatles’ catalog for iTunes, too — and if so, that Paul McCartney will be there to perform. (In a profile in The New Yorker a few months ago, McCartney said he was set to perform at the iPhone introduction in January at Macworld, but cancelled due to a conflict with his young daughter’s school schedule.)

A Clockwork Lemon 

Clever theme for issue No. 3 of Lemon. (Thanks to Gord Locke.)

‘If There Is Something Good in the World Then We Copy With Pride’ 

Innovative industrial design from Nokia.