By John Gruber
WorkOS Radar:
Protect your app against AI bots, free-tier abuse, and brute-force attacks.
Glenn Fleishman’s hands-on report regarding the iPhone 3G.
More email obfuscating goodness.
My thanks to MacHeist for sponsoring this week’s DF RSS feed. They’ve got a 14-app bundle on sale now for just $49, including software like TextExpander, VectorDesigner, WriteRoom, and more. And, as a special offer just for Daring Fireball readers, Flying Meat’s VoodooPad. The deal runs through the end of the day Friday.
A positive review of the Leica M8 as a photojournalism tool, by Bruno Stevens.
French Mac site LogicielMac reproduces the system requirements from the Snow Leopard seed developers got at WWDC this week. (Via MacRumors.)
Newly-minted ADA winner Craig Hockenberry:
There’s no denying the physical beauty of the award or the cool prizes that accompany it. But in this “day after” the thing that I’m finding most rewarding is the outpouring of support and congratulations. The six weeks of eating, sleeping, and breathing [REDACTED] preceded by months of digging through class-dump and respondsToSelector output was far from easy: but it’s all worth it.
The iPhone winners were impressive. Both of the iPhone web app winners really look like native apps; Pangea’s Enigmo game looks addictive as hell; AOL Radio is impressive (be interesting to see what that one does to your battery, though); OmniFocus looks better and more useful than their Mac version; and, of course, Twitterrific got the biggest crowd reaction of all.
I may or may not have gotten to send a tweet from Twitterrific on an iPhone 3G last night, but if I did, it was pretty damn slick.
Last one out, turn off the lights.
New revision of Franklin Gothic, by David Berlow. Big selection of weights and widths.