Linked List: December 26, 2008

Streaming Satellite Radio Anywhere in Your House 

Jason Fried on using StarLightXM and and Airfoil to stream Sirius radio to AirPort Express speakers.

Evolution of Game Controllers 

Great illustration by Damien Lopez showing handheld video game controllers over the past 30 years. It’s a shame, though, that he skipped the Intellivision — I think its controllers were the forefathers of the modern D-pad. (Via Dan Benjamin.)

Mike Ash on Blocks in Objective-C 

Nice summary of Apple’s innovative new addition to C.

Yes, Virginia, Wal-Mart Is Set to Start Selling iPhones 

And, of course, the $99 4 GB model that was only going to be sold at Wal-Mart was complete bullshit made up by Boy Genius Report.