By John Gruber
Clerk’s iOS SDK: Authentication and user management for Apple applications.
My favorite new web site:
Keith Starky is a leading researcher in the field of Advanced Sparse-Tree Social Networking Systems from Washington Polytechnical Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana. This “weblog” is part of his ongoing research in humor propagation and fluid reputation dynamics.
(Via Jim Ray.)
OK, I guess.
Nice illustration by Christine Marie Larsen.
Which reminds me: DF t-shirts are available through the end of the day tomorrow.
Thoughtful piece by Michael Leddy regarding Geoffrey Pullum’s continuing ham-fisted crusade against Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style.
Next up in Microsoft’s new ad campaign featuring real people shopping for computers: Homeless Frank. (Via Jim Dalrymple.)
The current #1 bookmark in the Delicious Popular list is a link to the DiggBar version of this page of desktop wallpapers.
Imagine how fun this would be if Delicious wrapped its links with a page-framing DeliciousBar.
Armin Vit:
I always believed that the amount of time and energy that we — authors and commenters alike — were all investing in Speak Up would be impossible to maintain in the long run, it was bound to crash at some point. And it did.
Sad to see it close. I’ve always felt DF had a certain kinship with Speak Up, in that they debuted within four days of each other in August 2002.