By John Gruber
Clerk’s iOS SDK: Authentication and user management for Apple applications.
Brian Beutler reports for TPM:
“We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights. It was simply cross-hairs like you’d see on maps,” said Rebecca Mansour on the Tammy Bruce radio show. Moreover, there was “nothing irresponsible” about the image, and to draw a line connecting Palin and Saturday’s shooting is “obscene” and “appalling.” […] Mansour called the crosshairs “surveyor marks.” Palin has removed the list from her PAC website, but not from her Facebook page.
Sarah Palin, on Twitter, immediately after the election:
Remember months ago “bullseye” icon used 2 target the 20 Obamacare-lovin’ incumbent seats? We won 18 out of 20 (90% success rate;T’aint bad)
★ Sunday, 9 January 2011