Linked List: October 15, 2012

Apple Hires Amazon A9 Executive William Stasior to Run Siri 

Nice scoop from Kara Swisher:

Apple has hired major Amazon exec and prominent search technologist William Stasior to run its Siri unit, according to sources. At the online retail giant, Stasior has been in charge of A9, Amazon’s search and search advertising unit. The former AltaVista exec co-founded the independent company and has run it since Udi Manber left for Google.

Stasior has an impressive pedigree (you can read his resume and see a really geeky binary image he posted of himself here).

Samsung Official Cites Serious Chip Rift With Apple 

Brooke Crothers, reporting for CNet:

Samsung’s multibillion dollar component supplier partnership with Apple is beginning to unravel, according to a South Korea-based report, which quotes a Samsung official. Though Samsung makes Apple’s newest A6 chip used in the iPhone 5, the relationship between the two companies has changed substantially, according to a report in Korea Times.
