By John Gruber
The best ads on the entire web are here on Daring Fireball. Q1 2025 has open spots now. Email for info.
This giant convoluted clusterfuck is their excuse for the fact that most HTC One devices — the ones people buy from carriers — still don’t have access to Android 4.4.
Great story from Wil Shipley. Proves the adage: It can’t hurt to ask.
Jeffrey Van Camp, mobile editor for Digital Trends:
Though it’s still $1,500 and only available as a developer unit, Google Glass is the only product that makes sense to pick as product of the year. Because, frankly, we can’t stop talking about it. Google announced Glass in 2012, but 2013 was the year when everyone started using them and things began to get crazy.
Terrific satire of the technology press’s narcissistic detachment from the real world.
Wait, what?
Good piece by Nick Bilton:
The immediacy and fast pace of the Internet can be magical. But when someone makes a comment that the masses disagree with, a mob with 140-character pitchforks can develop in seconds and the Internet can become terrifyingly bellicose.