I’ve been selling weekly DF RSS feed sponsorships since 2007 — just a hair under 400 consecutive weeks. I’ve never had one quite like this week’s. The sponsor is Meh, a new daily deal site from the founders of Woot. Here’s the sponsored RSS entry they wrote, in its entirety:

Fucking Amazon

I sold Woot to Amazon and they made it shitty. So I quit. Then I got bored.

I started A Mediocre Corporation with a few others from Woot. We just launched a classic daily deal site — only one thing for sale each day. Meh.

Oh, and since you seem to be into RSS, we put one together just for you, at Of course you can also just go to

The headline — “Fucking Amazon” was so bizarre that when it hit the @daringfireball Twitter account, I got about a dozen replies asking if the account had been hacked.

These guys don’t do marketing like other people do marketing. They really do have amazing prices on the products they sell, but the heart of Meh is what made Woot interesting back in the day: the writing. Click through and see for yourself. My thanks to them for sponsoring DF this week. Also: Don’t miss this great profile of Meh/Woot founder Matt Rutledge in D Magazine from earlier this year.

Friday, 7 November 2014