Linked List: December 16, 2016

North Carolina Governor Signs Law Limiting Successor’s Power 

This is the stuff of tinpot dictatorships, not democracies.

NBC News: Obama Sat on Russian Election Hack Because He Thought Clinton Would Win Anyway 

NBC News:

The Obama administration didn’t respond more forcefully to Russian hacking before the presidential election because they didn’t want to appear to be interfering in the election and they thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win and a potential cyber war with Russia wasn’t worth it, multiple high-level government officials told NBC News.

“They thought she was going to win, so they were willing to kick the can down the road,” said one U.S official familiar with the level of Russian hacking.

The administration did take action in response to the hack prior to the election. In September, President Obama privately confronted Vladimir Putin about the hacks at the G-20 summit in China. He warned the Russian President of unspecified consequences if the hacks continued.

This is what I suspected, but it hurts to hear it. This is a profound stain on Obama’s legacy.