By John Gruber
The best ads on the entire web are here on Daring Fireball. Q1 2025 has open spots now. Email for info.
Pixure is Louis D’hauwe’s excellent pixel art app for iPad and iPhone. It’s a terrific app. You might want to check out the latest version even if you aren’t interested in creating pixel art, though — it’s the first version using D’hauwe’s own open source PanelKit framework. PanelKit allows apps to turn popovers into draggable panels, and allows for them to be pinned into place as stay-open sidebars. It caught my eye a few weeks ago on Twitter, and now that I can play with it in an actual app, I’m even more impressed with the ingenuity.
Update: Reminds me of the tear-off menus in MacPaint, Hypercard, and NeXTstep.
★ Monday, 20 March 2017