By John Gruber
The best ads on the entire web are here on Daring Fireball. Q1 2025 has open spots now. Email for info.
Cabel Sasser’s annual report for Panic, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Mostly good news, but I’ll focus on the bad:
iOS continues to haunt us. If you remember, 2016 was the year we killed Status Board, our very nice data visualization app. Now, a lot of it was our fault. But it was another blow to our heavy investment in pro-level iOS apps a couple years ago, a decision we’re still feeling the ramifications of today as we revert back to a deep focus on macOS. Trying to do macOS quality work on iOS cost us a lot of time for sadly not much payoff. We love iOS, we love our iPhones, and we love our iPads. But we remain convinced that it’s not — yet? — possible to make a living selling pro software on those platforms. Which is a real bummer!
A bummer indeed. There are Mac-quality pro apps for iOS, but nowhere near as many as there are on the Mac.
★ Wednesday, 5 April 2017