By John Gruber
WorkOS, the modern identity platform for B2B SaaS — free up to 1 million MAUs.
Huge update to Rogue Amoeba’s audio management utility for the Mac — the “What’s New in Version 4” page is a long read even for existing SoundSource readers. And if you’re not familiar with SoundSource, their description is spot-on: “Sound control so good, it ought to be built in”.
Basically, SoundSource is a menu bar app that gives you quick access to input and output devices, and level settings, and lets you apply equalizer effects — both system-wide and on a per-app basis. All with a thoughtful, intuitive interface.
SoundSource is also a great example of a distinctive, branded UI that still looks and feels in every way like a standard Mac app. $29 for new users, $19 upgrade for existing SoundSource 3 users.
★ Thursday, 4 April 2019