WWDC 2020 Kickoff: June 22

The memoji developer theme is fun — it emphasizes the unique virtual nature of this year’s WWDC, and each time you reload the page you get a different set of developers.

From the Apple Newsroom announcement:

Developers are encouraged to download the Apple Developer app where additional WWDC20 program information — including keynote and Platforms State of the Union details, session and lab schedules, and more — will be shared in June. Information will also be made available on the Apple Developer website and by email.

No surprise that they’re holding the session schedule close to their vest. I’m still deeply curious how labs will work in an open “everyone is invited” format. WWDC labs get crowded with 5,000 physical attendees; I have no idea how anything similar could work with untold tens of thousands of virtual attendees.

Apple’s official Developer app is available for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV — still no app for Mac, despite the fact that every single developer working on Apple platforms uses Xcode, which only works on Mac (well, at the moment, before WWDC). I could have sworn Apple announced some sort of framework that made it super-easy to turn an iPad app into a great Mac app at some point.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020