AT&T Will Stick With ‘5G E’ Status Bar Icon Even After Being Called Out as Bullshit by Industry Ad Board

Mike Dano, reporting for Light Reading:

A panel of the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) recommended that AT&T discontinue its “5G Evolution” advertising claims.

And AT&T said it will.

“AT&T respectfully disagrees with the reasoning and result reached by the panel majority,” the operator said in a statement to Light Reading. “AT&T’s customers nationwide continue to benefit from dramatically superior speeds and performance that its current network provides. As a supporter of the self-regulatory process, however, AT&T will comply with the NARB’s decision.”

But AT&T said the NARB’s recommendation only applies to its advertising and therefore will not affect the one element that really matters: Its service icon. AT&T said it will continue to display its “5GE” icon on its customers’ LTE phones.

What a pile of horseshit.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020