By John Gruber
Clerk’s iOS SDK: Authentication and user management for Apple applications.
My thanks to Wifi Dabba for sponsoring last week at Daring Fireball. Wifi Dabba remains unique in the annals of DF sponsors — they’re looking for investors in the DF audience, not customers.
India is a huge battleground — maybe the battleground — for the soul of the open internet. Remember Facebook Basics from a few years ago, where Facebook tried to effectively own “the internet” in India with an offering that pretty much just offered Facebook’s own services? It didn’t work, but they’re back, having recently purchased a nearly $6 billion stake in India’s largest telco. The root problem is the extreme expense required to deploy broadband. High costs naturally favor nation-states and existing telecom monopolies.
Wifi Dabba is attempting to solve India’s broadband problem from the bottom up. They’ve launched a partner program for 100 individuals to own a region of their network. They offer a fully-managed service and a 30 percent revenue share along with minimum guaranteed returns. 70 regions have already been sold in the three months since the launch of the partnership program, so there are 30 regions left. Wifi Dabba is funded by YCombinator and other leading venture capital investors — and you can join them.
★ Sunday, 27 December 2020