Fortnite Is Returning to iOS as a Web App to Be Played in Safari


Starting next week, Fortnite on GeForce Now will launch in a limited-time closed beta for mobile, all streamed through the Safari web browser on iOS and the GeForce Now Android app. [...]

Alongside the amazing team at Epic Games, we’ve been working to enable a touch-friendly version of Fortnite for mobile delivered through the cloud. While PC games in the GeForce Now library are best experienced on mobile with a gamepad, the introduction of touch controls built by the GeForce Now team offers more options for players, starting with Fortnite.

If this works and Fortnite inside iOS Safari — as a web app! — works as well, or is even in the same ballpark, as the native Fortnite app did, this will be a landmark achievement and a technical marvel. If it’s not even in the same ballpark as native Fortnite, I don’t understand why Epic would put the Fortnite name on it.

Friday, 14 January 2022