Tip: ‘Show Window Title Icons’ in MacOS 12’s Accessibility Preferences

Adam Engst, writing at TidBITS:

Alas, in macOS 11 Big Sur, Apple decided to hide the proxy icon by default, forcing you to hover over the window title for a second to make the proxy slide in from the left. It was discovered that this Terminal command could make the delay shorter, though hovering is still required.

defaults write -g NSToolbarTitleViewRolloverDelay -float 0

I use proxy icons a lot, but I missed the online chatter that included this Terminal command, so I’ve been quietly muttering at Apple every time I waited for a proxy icon to appear. More frustrating is that I also missed the fact that Apple silently provided an option to bring back proxy icons completely in macOS 12 Monterey. I was recently helping a TidBITS reader who didn’t know about Reduce Transparency in System Preferences → Accessibility → Display when I saw another checkbox that was new to me: Show Window Title Icons.

Monday, 28 March 2022