
My thanks to Flexibits for again sponsoring DF last week. Their calendar app Fantastical and contacts app Cardhop are two of my very favorite apps. Both apps work and look great on the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and of course, Mac. You can try them for free, and see for yourself. And one simple subscription for Flexibits Premium, all features are unlocked in both Fantastical and Cardhop, across all platforms. And a Premium subscription gives you access to Fantastical Scheduling, a new feature that makes scheduling meetings with multiple participants so easy, I dare say it’s fun. It makes me wish I had more meetings to schedule. (OK, that’s a lie, but almost.)

Best of all: they’re running a limited-time 20 percent discount just for Daring Fireball readers. If you’ve been on the fence about subscribing to Flexibits Premium, now is the time to act. Trust me, it’s so worth it.

Monday, 10 October 2022