Humane Previews AI-Powered Wearable at TED

Ina Fried, reporting for Axios:

Ex-Apple employee Imran Chaudhri gave TED attendees on Thursday an early glimpse of the AI-powered wearable that his startup, Humane, has been developing. [...]

The screenless device, which does not require a nearby cell phone to work, uses a combination of voice and gestures for input and can display information by projecting it onto nearby objects.

Details: In his TED talk, Chaudhri showed the wearable, which sat in his jacket pocket, translating his own voice into French.

  • He also answered a phone call from his wife with the call information appearing as a green image projected onto his hand.

  • “This is good AI in action,” he said, promising more details would be released in the coming months.

The device — which seemingly doesn’t yet have an announced name? — looks about 2 inches wide and 1 inch high, and is worn on your chest like a Star Trek communicator badge. Here’s an image of the phone call information projected onto Chaudhri’s hand. Hope the whole demo is released on video soon.

Update: Actually, now that I look at the video clips that are available, I think the device is quite a bit bigger, and Chaudhri has it peeking out of a pocket on his jacket? Unclear.

Thursday, 20 April 2023