WikiTok – Web App With TikTok-Style Interface for Exploring Random Wikipedia Articles

WikiTok is the creation of Isaac Gemal. The premise is that it’s a TikTok-style interface for random articles from Wikipedia. One thing at a time on screen, swipe up to scroll down to the next item whenever you’re ready, and you can keep going forever if you want. But instead of videos that tend toward mindless media-diet calories, these are facts. WikiTok has no videos at all — each item is just a full-bleed image and a summary factoid. (And, of course, a “Read More” link to open the full Wikipedia entry in a new browser tab.) It’s not going to beat the actual TikTok on engagement, but TikTok can’t beat WikiTok for mental nourishment. It’s like choosing to snack on something that isn’t junk.

WikiTok works on any size device, but like TikTok, it’s clearly meant to be used on a phone. Save it to your home screen, and it’s like having an app. During this interim between the NFL season and March Madness (and after that, baseball) I’ve freed up a space on my first home screen from Apple Sports, and for the moment, I’ve put WikiTok there. I don’t know how long it’ll last. The “hit rate” for things that actually interest me is kind of low — but maybe that’s what TikTok itself is like? And, every time I launch it, I learn something interesting within a few swipes. There’s no algorithm powering what it shows, but I wish there were — I’d switch in a heartbeat to a fork of WikiTok that learns, even just a little, what sort of stuff actually interests me. Give it a try. WikiTok’s debut seems especially well-timed at the moment, given the alternative experience of checking the news.

If I could bend Gemal’s ear for just one moment, I’d beg him to consider changing the name from WikiTok to WikTok. That needless middle i syllable strikes a discordant note. Say what you want about TikTok, but it’s a great fucking name. Verbally, WikiTok sounds like WikiTalk, which sounds like what Wikipedia editors might call the meta-discussion “Talk” pages for each entry. WikTok, on the other hand, works well both visually and verbally as a parallel to TikTok.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025