By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
Brent Simmons has generously offered a full license to the award-winning NetNewsWire 1.x for my use in promoting the Daring Fireball membership drive. And since the upcoming NetNewsWire 2.0 will be a free update, this license will work with version 2.0 as well, after it’s released.
To boot, I’ve got a couple of Gmail invitations burning a hole in my pocket. [Update, 22 June: I now have a staggering 25 Gmail invitations to give away; thanks to Jon Gales of MacMerc, Larry Angell of MacMinute, and numerous others for sending me extra invitations. Update, 23 June: The Gmail invitations have all been awarded; the winners were notified by email.]
Here’s how it’ll work. The NetNewsWire license will be awarded July 1 to one random member (someone who’s donated $20.48 or more, or who’s bought a T-shirt) after the membership drive is over. If you’ve already joined, you’re already entered.
The Gmail invitations, on the other hand, I’m going to give away at some point in the evening, Tuesday, 22 June. Anyone who’s donated any amount whatsoever is eligible for the Gmail account giveaway. Thus, donate today if you want a chance at them.