More Membership Prizes

It started last week with Brent Simmons’s generous donation of a copy of NetNewsWire for use as a prize during the Daring Fireball membership drive. I’m proud to announce a bunch of other excellent prizes.

Here’s what we have lined up:

The retail value of all the above software is a little over $1,300 $1,600 (!). My sincere thanks to all the above sponsors.

Here’s how the contest will work:

  1. I’m extending the membership drive two days, so that it will run through next Friday, July 2. Everyone who becomes a member by the end of July 2 is eligible for the contest. (This, of course, includes everyone who has already joined.)

  2. Winners will be selected randomly, using a simple Perl script along the lines of:

    print int(rand($number_of_members));
  3. Each member can only win once. I.e. if there are 21 prizes, there will be 21 winners.

  4. Members may, optionally, submit a list ranking the order of the packages they’re hoping to win. E.g., if you already own a license for one or more of the prizes, you’d rank those apps last. To submit a list, send an email with the prizes listed in your preferred order to this special address:

    Only messages sent to this address will be considered.

    Any winner who has submitted a message to this address will be awarded their top-ranked app from the remaining prizes. Any winner who has not submitted a message to this address will be awarded a random prize.