By John Gruber
Lex.Games: Free daily word games from Lex Friedman. Not the weird Elon stan;
the real Lex Friedman.
For your shopping convenience, I’ve put together DF Paraphernalia, an Amazon aStore stocked with everything from new computers to DVDs. It’s pretty much the same financial deal as with plain old Amazon Associate links — you pay Amazon’s regular prices, but a portion of the profits gets kicked back to me.
To be clear, this is not a storefront for DF t-shirts, etc. It’s just a way for me to present categorized lists of regular Amazon products, but with my own visual presentation.
Every item listed is of my choosing. Some are things I either own or have used, and recommend. But everything is something I would at least consider buying myself, if I were in the market for such a thing or had an unlimited budget for camera equipment.
To purchase anything else at Amazon other than what’s listed on DF Paraphernalia, you can click the Amazon logo on each page, or you can just use this link (which link is in the footer of most pages on Daring Fireball).1
Alas, the aStore system is for the U.S. store only. ↩︎