Linked List: November 22, 2011

iPhone 4S Becomes Second Most Popular Cameraphone on Flickr 

The top four camera phones are all iPhones, and the top camera period is the iPhone 4.

How to Take Screenshots With Kindle Fire 

22 easy steps.

Four Keys to Apple’s Success 

Greg Joswiak, speaking at an event in the U.K. at Cambridge last week:

If you can’t enter the market and try and be the best in it, don’t enter it. You need that differentiation. At Apple if we can’t be the best then we are not interested in it.

What Ron Johnson Learned Building the Apple Store 

Ron Johnson, writing for Harvard Business Review:

People forget that the Apple Store encountered some bumps along the way. No one came to the Genius Bar during the first years. We even had Evian water in refrigerators for customers to try to get them to sit down and spend time at the bar. But we stuck with it because we knew that face-to-face support was the very best way to help customers. Three years after the Genius Bar launched, it was so popular we had to set up a reservation system.

If you know it’s a good idea, stick with it.

Occupy Flash: The Movement to Rid the World of the Flash Player Plugin 

And on the flip side: Occupy HTML.