Linked List: October 19, 2012

The Talk Show: Live From Çingleton 

This week’s episode of The Talk Show, recorded in front of a live audience after last weekend’s excellent Çingleton conference in historic Old Montréal, Québec. I was joined by very special guest Brent Simmons, and our topics included dealing with the fast-changing world of being a Mac/iOS developer, the advantages of native apps over web apps (including how that pertains to Glassboard, Brent’s current project), and a whole bunch of stuff about

The entire episode was sponsored by Marco Arment’s The Magazine — finally, something for nerds like us to put in Newsstand.

Some Advice From Jeff Bezos 

Jason Fried:

He said people who were right a lot of the time were people who often changed their minds.

‘If You’re Scared of the New Tools, Then Run in a New Direction’ 

Thoughtful video essay on Instagram and smartphone photography in general, by Richard Koci Hernandez. (Via Colin Devroe.)

Mat Honan on Windows 8 

Mat Honan is not optimistic:

And then there’s the crapware. Ed Bott had a story pointing out that manufacturers like Gateway are already advertising Windows 8 machines with exactly the kind of pre-installed software that just slows it down and junks it up. It’s the kind of thing that makes people want to get Macs. It doesn’t matter if Microsoft creates the greatest operating system in the world if it then allows others to junk it up. And, ultimately, it means that Microsoft isn’t in control of its brand.

The Uncollaborative iCloud 

Dan Moren on the inability to collaboratively edit or share documents in iCloud. (Dropbox, far from being killed, remains as useful and relevant as ever for Mac and iOS users.)

Unlock the 007 in You 

More Skyfall fun, from Coke Zero.

What It’s Like to Be on Jeopardy 

Jeopardy champion Glenn Fleishman:

The strangest thing about appearing on Jeopardy is just how not strange it is. There’s no green screen or artificial bits to it. The set is precisely what you see in the broadcast program, with all the lighting and game board and whatnot. It’s like stepping into the television set to play. It’s more surreal than real.

Speaking of James Bond and Reading the Words in URLs 

Based on the URL, I’m sure this Skyfall site is intended for all tablets.

Toned-Down Headline Change of the Day 

Headline on this Jenna Wortham story in the NYT: “Airtime, a Pedigreed Start-Up, Is Tested”. But check the URL slug (or Techmeme) to see the punchier original headline.

Mapping the Entertainment Ecosystems of Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon 

Comprehensive analysis by Graham Spencer at MacStories, mapping the worldwide coverage for movies, TV shows, music, e-books and apps among the big four players. Great work. Eye-opening just how big a lead Apple has in music and movies.

James Bond: Booze, Bonks, and Bodies 

The Economist (of course) tallies up the average kills, hook-ups, and martinis drunk per movie for each of the actors who’ve portrayed James Bond. (I don’t think they should have counted only martinis; they should have counted every drink, period. Moore’s Bond drank mostly champagne.)