Linked List: December 14, 2024

CoverSutra Is Back 

Another week with another outstanding indie developer whom I’m delighted to thank for sponsoring DF. This week, it’s Sophiestication Software promoting the return of CoverSutra — a previous hit from the “delicious” era of Mac apps that is now back and better than ever.

After over a decade, the rejuvenated (reanimated?) CoverSutra has been reimagined as a sleek, standalone music player for your Mac that lives in your menu bar, giving you seamless access to your music library. Instantly search by album, artist, or song — all without breaking your workflow. Some of what’s new:

  • Standalone music player: No Music app required.
  • Instant music search: Find tracks anytime, anywhere.
  • Global keyboard shortcuts: Control playback from any app.

Available now on the Mac App Store for just $4.99 — and a free upgrade for CoverSutra 3.0 customers. Five bucks, one time, and it’s yours to keep. And it’s just so polished, so simple, and so nice.

Sponsorship Openings at Daring Fireball, End-of-Year and Q1 2025 Edition 

After being sold out for months, the upcoming sponsorship schedule at DF is wide open at the moment — including the final week of the year. I know sponsors are sometimes hesitant to book weeks around major holidays, but, well, Daring Fireball is never “closed”. And traffic to the site is remarkably consistent even during weeks like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Nerds get bored and want to read interesting stuff.

Q1 2025 weeks are wide open too, but I only just now opened those weeks on the calendar.

Weekly sponsorships have been the top source of revenue for Daring Fireball ever since I started selling them back in 2007. They’ve succeeded, I think, because they make everyone happy. They generate good money. There’s only one sponsor per week and the sponsors are always relevant to at least some sizable portion of the DF audience, so you, the reader, are never annoyed and hopefully often intrigued by them. And, from the sponsors’ perspective, they work. My favorite thing about them is how many sponsors return for subsequent weeks after seeing the results.

If you’ve got a product or service you think would be of interest to DF’s audience of people obsessed with high quality and good design, get in touch. And again, this coming week remains open, and the week after. I’m even offering those two weeks at a holiday discount.