By John Gruber
Clerk’s iOS SDK: Authentication and user management for Apple applications.
Rian van der Merwe:
I’m worried that the wells of attention are being drilled to depletion by linkbait headlines, ad-infested pages, “jumps” and random pagination, and content that is engineered to be “consumed” in 1 minute or less of quick scanning — just enough time to capture those almighty eyeballs.
As advertising clickthrough rates continue to drop, the ads become more desperate and invasive, and readers are starting to notice and do something about it.
What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than with a new episode of The Talk Show, America’s favorite holiday-themed podcast? Topics this week include: the divergence in reading experience between corporate and independent web publications, advertising, the beginnings of Daring Fireball, the tablet market, and, most importantly, daylight saving time.
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